Bombay Taj recipe for Reshmi Kabab


2 lb boneless chicken
4 medium sized onions
2″ ginger
8 cloves garlic
1 bunch of coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 tsp cummin (jeera) seeds
white pepper to taste (around 1 tsp if you don’t have a prior)
1 tsp garam masala (available in indian stores)
2 eggs
salt to taste

(for garnishing) lemon spring onions (red onions are ok)


1. Mince the chicken
2. Grind all ingredients together except eggs and salt
3. Mix in the eggs and salt
4. Shape into sausages, put on skewers and cook over charcoal fire or in rotisserie till tender
5. Garnish with onions and lemon

Ajay Shah, [email protected]

2 thoughts on “Bombay Taj recipe for Reshmi Kabab”

  1. I love you recipes can you tell me if you have any Recipes on Cookies i would like to know becases i wanna bake some thing from India for Christmas

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