Goanese Kebab Curry

1 lb. lean lamb
1 lb. pork

Thin slices fresh ginger
2 Tabl. ghee or oil
1 lg. onion, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 fresh red or green chilies, seeded
1 Tabl. ground cumin
2 Tabl. black mustard seed, ground
2 tsp. chili powder or to taste

2 tsp. garam masala
1/2 Cup vinegar
1/2 Cup water
2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper

Cut both meats into cubes and thread on bamboo skewers alternately with thin
slices of tender ginger.

Heat ghee or oil in a saucepan and fry the onion, garlic, chilies until
onion is soft and golden brown. Add the ground spices and continue stirring and frying for 1 minute.

Add vinegar, water, salt and pepper. Let the mixture come to the boil, then put in skewers of meat, turn to coat in the spice mixture, cover and cook on very low heat until meat is tender.

Stir and turn kebabs once or twice during cooking. When meat is tender, cook, uncovered, until gravy is thickened and dark.

Serve with white rice and accompaniments.

Yield: 6 servings

One thought on “Goanese Kebab Curry”

  1. Cook until
    meat is tender …. how long is that ? at least give an approximate time as a guide … I’m a batchelor and need that kind of information.

    Thank you


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