Ragi mudde

Ragi Mudde is indeed one of the simplest things to prepare. Take a large mouthed vessel, add a glass of water to it. Heat till the water boils, add salt to taste. Take a glass of ragi flour and mix it in a glass of cold water. Add the dissolved solution slowly to the boiling water, stirring it with a strong ladle (back end). Back home a strong wooden stick is used.

Keep whisking till the mudde (flour dough) becomes smooth and soft without gantu (lumps). Reduce the flame, cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. The consistency must be semi solid like the wheat dough. When serving, wet your hand take out and make a ball and put it in the middle of a plate. Pour some sambar around it. Add a spoon of ghee/butter if you wish.

Make it into small marble sized balls, roll it in the sambar liquid and just gulp. Ragi mudde is not eaten by biting since the ragi tends to stick to the teeth. But some like it this way.

This is a very healthy dish both for the physically hard working as well as those with diabetes. It is indeed very healthy for children. It is high in protein, but very low in carbohydrates. Therefore, unlike rice or wheat, it is best for those with sugar complaints.

Eaten by farmers for long, its virtue has been known in recent years, by all in the state of Karnataka. It is almost synonymous with the best of traditional foods, simple, tasty, nutritious and wholesome.

Enjoy the nice, soft ragi mudde – loved by the young and the old.

‘P.S: It is not essential that the ragi flour be first dissolved in coldwater. The flour can be directly put it boiling water. But this needspractice and skill. It can be done by those familiar with the process. Otherwise, gantu (lumps) will emerge in the dough. Inside the lumps, raw flour will be left uncooked. It is essential to avoid this.

Courtesy: K. Raghunanadana

45 thoughts on “Ragi mudde”

  1. I am here in Toronto. I need to know what is ragi called in english. I am trying to buy some, but none of the stores here seem to undersand the term ragi… do u know

  2. Hi Umar,

    Ragi is just Ragi. It doesn’t have any english equivalent. It is a special dish of karnataka,india. I suggest that you obtain the help of somebody in toronto who is from this part of the world.

    All the best.


  3. Umar

    Ragi is a variety of millet. It is usually called finger millet or red millet in English.
    I get my ragi at the indian store. But if you don’t have one close by you could try the international section of your supermarket and look for millet.

  4. The Latin name of ragi is Elusine coracana; although it is believed to be native to African highlands of Ethiopia and Uganda, there is another view that ragi is quintessentially a crop indigenous to India. This may explain why it is alternatively called as Elusine indica in Latin. This so called coarse grain or poor man’s millet is actually superior to rice or wheat in nutritional terms being rich in proteins and high levels fibre which makes it digestible slowly, thereby ensuring the release of carbohydrates in small quantities. This may explain why two ragi mudde eaten in the morning with a bit of chilli, onion or sambar may sustain the labouring farmer through the whole day. It is also said to be a cool food ( Ref. `Ragi is Back, but only as exotica’ in the June 30th issue of Down to Earth (www.downtoearth.org.in) by E. Vijayalakshmi of Bangalore). This is because ragi is alkaline while most other foods are said to be acidic. What is more, like grain amaranth or rajgira or ramdana another very high-protein non-cereal crop, ragi is a hardy grain that can thrive on meagre resources. In fact, if you combine amaranth, million-dollar research on which is being sponsored by the Rodell Foundation in American, with ragi, you don’t need meat or milk for your proteins! The story of amaranth, the lost crop of the Incas and Aztecs, and which surfaced in the Himalaya, is another beauty which deserves a separate site of its own. Alternatively, read about it (my reports, am an assistant editor at the group) in The Times of India/Science Today archives.

  5. have lot of ragi malt with us -would like to market and
    export . contact us 0-9885273727

  6. thanks for the easy recipe, on how to make mudde.
    i tried it & it came out just the right. my daughter loves it.

  7. this is really great that i could find this receipe i remember when i was 10 years old my mom useoot make this mudde so i finally found this ragi flour in the indian store and i was happy and then i did not know how to make it but now i will try to make it. thanks for the wonderful recipe!

  8. My suggestion is that you should have mentioned that ragi contians high calcium. and other elements. This is imporantant for Indians who live in America .

  9. hi
    sounds like u r a kannadiga.the words mudde,gantu sounds so.i speak kannada.am from india -south -salem.i am now in dubai.u know it was so nice to even read somebody writing in kannada.anyways lets get in touch.nan esaru gayathri .nangae madhivae aayiduthy.nangae ondhu magal avalae.neevu reply maadanda aasa nan kollaienga barathunae. bye

    gayathri sundar

  10. This was the only Authentic Raagi Muddhe recipe I found on the web. The rest of them were not the way we traditional kannadigas make it.
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe !

  11. Thank you verymuch for the mudde recipe. I grew up eating raagi mudde, and always want to be part of my meal. My daughter loves it a lot- partly beacuase she is too lazy to chew any food, and mudde is just right for her.
    I used have problems og ‘gantu’, but the grat idea of mixing it in cold water and adding solved it completely. Thanks for the recipe Raghu. No I can enjoy my mudde more often!
    Swad foods ragi floor is available in all Indian stores. This floor is really good.


  12. Hi all you Ragi fans ! My name is Rashmi and its amazing reading all these comments on Ragi Mudde….Yes, I am a Kannadiga and a proud one at that ! We guys at home swear by the goodness of Ragi…..As a food technologist, having worked on Ragi, I would like to add that Ragi (also called Finger Millet) is highly nutritious with good quality protein, rich in minerals, dietary fibre, phytochemicals and vitamins. It is the richest source of calcium providing 8-10 times more calcium than wheat and rice….Ragi is considered as a food for long sustenance. Today Ragi is used not just in the traditional recipes (Yummy Rotis,dosa, even Ragi idli….) but also extended its use in the preparation of bakery items, snacks (u gotta try Vermicelli (Shavige)and Ragi chaklis….!!) and of course, South Indians are familiar with the Ragi malt which is used as infant food, besides being used in beverages (milk-based), etc, etc….
    Being a diehard Ragi fan, let me also elaborate its nutritional benefits….It is known to help control blood glucose levels in diabetics very effectively. It also has antioxidant properties that are vital to the prevention of cancer and heart disease. It also is useful in managing /preventing obesity, osteoporosis, ulcers, etc…
    So there you are….Make sure you are getting enough Ragi in your diet…
    EAT RAGI AND BE HEALTHY…..no kidding…….
    Finally, I wish to congratulate Mr. Raghunandana and RB for the great job in posting the RagiMudde recipe on the web….Great going guys..! Keep up the good work…
    For more information on this great grain and its unique properties, please feel free to contact Dr. A. Seetharam ([email protected])or me.

  13. ragi mudde is the only thg i’ve learnt 2 cook till date cos its the most simple thg 2 cook & its my staple diet!am kannadiga too & i luv ragi mudde (esp with mosap saaru or bassina saaru & soppina palya)gr8 job mr raghunanda & rb 4 postg this on web…i tumbled onto this while searching for what nutritional value ragi had…(my uncle queationed me on this at the family get together 4 makara sankranthi)

  14. Hi all,

    Greetings! Thanks for ur valuable info on Ragi Malt. I juz got threw this site while I was searching for ragi malt nutritional values.
    Once again, I thank Rashmi, RB & Raghunandana for the same.

  15. Hello,

    Does anyone know of or know who
    markets an old Ragi malt brand called Ragotine? Is it sold anywhere in India? Or are there alternate ragi based drinks available? Thanks in advance for your help.

    P Naik
    Atlanta USA

  16. hi all,
    its great to see ,so many ragi lovers,now we are planning to give latest touch to our traditinal foods.mostly ragibased,is any one intrested to know more abt, it plz feel free to mail me at,[email protected]


  17. Can my daughter ( who is 5 yrs old) and me have ragi mudde for dinner? Is it easy to digest?
    What is the best combination along with this?

  18. Hi K. Raghunanadana
    Heard that Ragi can make you obese. Is that true? I am replacing my daily horlicks with Ragi – will it be a right decision.


  19. I have been brought up in Blore, basically a staunch veg.gujrati and I have been having ragi mudde on and off thanks to my neighbours. I am a person who is always for nutrition and olden days house hold remedies for everything. My daughter (now 6 yrs old) has never been fed baby food, she has been brought up on ragi porridge and thanks to that she has a much higher resistance and stamina compared to the others of her age. At this age, living in the gulf i still love to make the ragi mudde at home and have. And believe me nothing can beat that.

    Well it is just right to say Jai Karnataka.

  20. Hi, Great to see an interest about ragi mudde.. I used to eat it daily but due to location contraint ( I mean we dont get ragi here in UK) i am not able to … But I need a recipe for chicken gravy… Mandya style or most specifically the Military hotel style.. if any one knows how to plz do email me the steps and things needed.. thanks a lot..Jai Karnataka…

  21. I am a Raagi muddhe fanatic like all of u. Has any one tried making raagi rotti? just fantastic!!Very easy to make. Prepare raagi dough ( use as little water as possible) adding finely chopped onions, green chillies, coriander leaves, curry leaves (kari bevu)and a bit of salt. cook raagi rottis on a thava like akki rotti.

    Harish, good news !!. Raagi flour is available in UK. Try at any Srilankan grocery shop. It is sold as Kurakkan Flour. In Leicester, it costs about ?1.40 per kilogram. Srilankan shops in other parts of the world may also be selling Raagi flour as Kurakkan flour. In Srilanka, they dont make raggi muddhe in karnataka style.I believe they prepare a type of porridge and eat with milk.

  22. Im in US..along with ragi i also include small quantity of barely, greel dhal, and barley (all in powdered form) and feed my baby…am i doing it right ?? can i give them ? (my baby is 14mths old)

    thank u.

  23. Nice to read about ragi mudde..In Ragi we can also make roti’s, dosa’s etc.. Ofcourse Raagi malt is the best drink… especially for children. My son (5 months old) loves it very much.

  24. I eat Raggi Mudde for lunch everyday instead of rice.Does one gain weight by eating raggi mudde everyday??

  25. Hi Kannadigas,
    I am Karunakara from Tasmania, Australia. Ragi flour is also known as Kurakkan flour here. It is imported from srilanka and we get it in Asian stores. We have Ragi mudde everyday for dinner. We dont feel that we are away from home.

    Thanks To Raghunandana.

    Jai Bhuvaneshwari, Jai Karnataka.

  26. Folks..Why are you guys so hung up on Karnataka and Kannada..I have lived in B’lore and travelled in Karnataka and did not find it very different from my native T.Nadu..Yes the language is different and the Language is nice (specially when Dr.Rajkumar speaks )..Ragi is extensively used in rural T.Nadu as well..
    all your mails about the Ragi are converting me into a Ragi Bhaktha..Will try and let you know..
    Jai Kar.. well Jai India

  27. Namaskara ella Kannadigarige matthu bharatiyarige,

    Ragi mudde article nodide , tumba chennagide. Try with Tagi mudde with Uppu saru or Soppu saru. Then tell about your views.

  28. Namaskara Ragi-lovers!

    I am originally from Mysore, now settled in New Jersey, US. I did not grow up eating ragi but I am seriously considering changing over from rice to ragi after I tried both ragi-mudde and ragi-rotti – excellent taste and high nutritional value without the additional “benefit” of diabetes that comes with sugar-loaded rice. It is only available in Indian stores here and is sold at $1.50 for 2 Lbs.

    Bye and take care everyone.

  29. You can make ragi mudde and put sesame oil on top (instead of ghee) and eat. Very healthy and my mom says sesame oil is cool too.

    Also I made it sweet by adding some jaggery or brown sugar. But in this case omit the oil or ghee.

  30. Ragi (finger Millet) is a goitrogen. This means it can cause hypothyriodism
    when taken in excess. Please ensure you take in sufficient iodine. (So,
    dont overdo ragi). See nutrition for “finger millet” on web for more info.


  32. Dear friends
    Thanks for Raghunandhana for the procedure fo preparing ragi mudde.
    I have found out tha Micro oven can be used as a easy tool to prepare.
    this is how i do it
    In a wide mouthed suitable oven ware i put one full mug of plain water with one table spoon of ragi powder and a tea s poonful of menthya powder and cook in the oven at 800 watts for eight minutes.In between i stir with a wide wooden spoon once. then take utensil out of oven and add ragi powder and stir with a wooden spoon til l a thick paste is made . then mix well uniformly.
    then keep back in the oven with th e lid covered and cook for eight minutes. take out and mix again for uniform consistency ,then fill in a small bowl and serve on a plate.
    i am an medical Doctor interested in cooking. Being Diabetic myself i found ragi mudde with a slow stomach emptying time is a good food by not raising the post prandial blood glucose very fast.
    This is a fast food both nutritious and nutrious and hot . th e rational of adding Menthya is it has cholesterol lowering properties and helps in smooth bowel movent.

  33. Hi,

    tumba santoshavaitu.. raagimudde bhaktara sandeshgalannodi…!

    I had been trying to prepare raagi mudde in traditional way but everytime I tried it was a disaster!!!

    Thanks a lot .. this recipe really made my day…. 🙂

    can any one tell the recipe for traditional soppin saaaru as well?


  34. I routinely give raagi malt (in milk) to my son ( I started when he was four months old and now he’s four years old and still loves it). However, my son does not like the skin part of the flour. So, I (very painstakingly) remove the husk/skin by passing the sprouted-raagi flour through a muslin cloth and collect the flour without the husk and use this.

    I know grains tend to have a lot of nutritive properties in the husk. Any idea how much of the benefits I’m loosing in this process?

    Thanks for your help!

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