Gherkin Pickle

Sorry, this one is a bit vague.
100 gherkins
1/2 bottle vinegar 1/2 bottle oil
3 tsp salt
8 Tsp sugar
Grind the following in a little vinegar :-
100 dried red chilies
2 Tsp turmeric
10 heads of garlic
1 inch piece ginger
1 tsp fenugreek

Wash and dry the gherkins. Slice lengthwise into 1/4inch slices. Rub with salt
and leave for an hour or so.

Heat the oil and fry the ground masala for a few minutes. Add vinegar,
bring to boil then add sugar and stir until it dissolves. Add gherkins and cook until tender.

Cool and bottle.

Samar Codi (Prawn Curry)

1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp bright red paprika
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
4 garlic cloves peeled and crushed
1 in piece of fresh ginger peeled and grated
2 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
14 oz can coconut milk well stirred
3/4 tsp salt
3 pieces of kokum or 1 tbsp tamarind paste
1 lb peeled and de-veined uncooked prawns

In a bowl, combine 10 fl oz water with the cayenne pepper, paprika,
turmeric, garlic and ginger. Mix well.

Grind the coriander seeds and cumin seeds in a clean coffee grinder and add to the mixture. Put the spice mixture into a pan and bring to a simmer.

Turn the heat to medium-low and simmer for 10 minutes. The sauce should
reduce and thicken.

Add the coconut milk, salt, kokum or tamarind paste and bring to a simmer. Add the prawns and simmer, stirring now and then, until they turn opaque and are just cooked through.

TIPS If you buy unpeeled headless prawns you will need 1 1/2 lb.

Kokum is the semi-dried sour skin of a fruit that grows along India’s
coast. Tamarind paste makes a good substitute.

Copyright of the British Broadcasting Corporation

Empadinhas (Small pork pies)

1 lb.. pork cut fine or minced
6 large onions

For the pastry:
250 g. flour sieved thrice with 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
125 g. flour and 125 g. semolina sieved with baking powder
3 egg yolks
1 Tsp. ghee (clarified butter)
1/4 teaspoon salt

Knead all the above ingredients thoroughly till a soft dough is formed and keep aside. Do not use water.

Grind to a fine paste: 2 green chilies 1 red chili 1/2 inch piece ginge 6 flakes of garlic a pinch or two of cumin seed1/4 inch piece turmeric 6 peppercorns 1 inch piece cinnamon 6 cloves

Mix together the cut/minced pork and the ground spices well. Brown the sliced onions in a little oil, add the meat mixture and fry well.

Add two Tsp. tamarind water or vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar and a
little warm water just enough to allow the meat to cook. Remove from fire when
the preparation gets relatively dry. Salt may be added if desired. Divide the dough into small even-sized balls.

Spread them on greased aluminum forms, fill with meat stuffing and cover with
remaining dough.

Close every empadinha well, till it has a nice finish. Brush the top of each
empadinha with beaten egg yolk to give it a glazed finish. Bake till light brown.

from Goan Cookbook by Joyce Fernandes

Sorpotel III

1 kg pork
1 lb. pork liver and heart
1/4 bottle vinegar (approx. 300 ml)
a small amount of tamarind and salt to taste
Grind the following in vinegar:
30 dry red chilies
1 teaspoon cumin seed
1 inch piece turmeric
4 cloves
Slice the following:
1 full pod garlic
2 inch piece of ginger
3 onions
4 green chilies

Wash and boil the pork,liver and heart in full piece.

Cool and cut into small cubes, then fry in frying pan (without using any oil) till nice and brown.

Using a little fat from the fried pork, fry the ginger, garlic and onions, until the onions change colour. Add the masala (the mixed spices), fry well then
add the fried pieces of meat. The tamarind paste should be added to the meat
together with a little vinegar (if necessary). Add two teaspoons of salt or more if desired. Cook on a slow fire till meat is tender.

Finally add green chilies.

Cook for another ten minutes and remove from the fire. Sorpotel tastes good on
the next day, and even better after three days or more.

from Goan Cookbook by Joyce Fernandes

Chicken Gizad

1kg chicken, cut into serving size pieces, either on or off the bone
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp peppercorns
1 tsp turmeric
1 onion
5 green chilies, de-seeded
6 cloves garlic
1 inch piece ginger
a marble sized ball of tamarind mixed in 1 cup of water or equivalent of ‘instant’ e.g Tamcon
1 cup coconut milk
salt and vinegar to taste

Grind the spices and finely chop the onion, chilies, garlic and ginger.
Fry the onion until brown. Add the garlic, ginger and green chilies. Cook
for a minute or so. Add the ground spices, followed by the chicken. Fry until
the chicken has browned then add about 1/2 cup of water, the salt, tamarind
and vinegar.

Cover and cook until chicken is tender. Add the coconut milk an simmer,
uncovered, until the sauce thickens. Serve with rice

Chicken Cafreal

Cafreal is one of those dishes where anything seems to go. I was given
many variants, except the one I wanted. A small restaurant in the back of
beyond served the most wonderful Cafreal, so good the locals were queuing
up for tables. The owner though, flatly refused to give me his recipe.
Cafreal is essentially chicken (whole or jointed) marinated in chilies,
lime juice (or vinegar) and spices, then either deep fried, barbecued or
roasted. The following recipe is my interpretation but I am still working
on it. I have used the roasting method as this produces a great gravy.
I also recommend that you make a stock from the chicken carcass, it adds
an extra dimension to a risotto.
1 chicken, prepared for roasting or jointed chicken pieces
juice of 1 lime
1 level tsp salt
5 dried red Kashmiri chilies, ground
3 green chilies, de-seeded
4 peppercorns, ground
1 Tsp coriander seeds, ground
1/2 inch piece cinnamon bark, ground
1/2 inch piece mace, ground
8 cloves garlic
1 inch piece ginger

Rub the salt and lime juice over the chicken (also inside if whole). Grind
all the other ingredients together and rub over the chicken. Cover and marinade
over night in the fridge.

Heat oven to 325C. Place the chicken in a roasting tray and cover with
foil (this is important – the chicken must be moist when done and the spices
must not burn).

For a 4lb chicken, cook for about 2 hrs (adjust the time to the size of bird or if chicken joints are used).

Baste several times during cooking. For the last 15 minutes of cooking, remove the foil.

Remove the chicken from the roasting tray and leave to rest. You now have two
options for the ‘gravy’. Either collect the pan juices as is (no don’t
skim the fat off) or skim the fat, deglaze and make a gravy as normal.
When I had it in India it was served just with the pan juices. Notes :-
If a whole chicken was used, then cut into two halves post cooking, do
not carve into slices ;- this is meant to be eaten with your hands. Serve
with plenty of bread to dip the juices up. Why not roast some root veggies
and garlic in the roasting tray while you are at it.

Kidney and tomato

3 lambs kidneys, cleaned, cored and cubed
2 rashers of bacon, chopped
5 tomatoes, chopped
small bunch coriander leaves, chopped
small bunch mint leaves, chopped
6 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 inch piece ginger, chopped
2 green chilies, chopped
1 onion, minced or very finely chopped
salt and pepper to taste

In a little oil fry the onions until they start to brown. Add the remaining
ingredients other than the kidney. Fry for 5 minutes then add the kidney, salt
and pepper. Cook until done. Serve on either fried or toasted bread.

Masala Chilly Fry

1 lb. steak, cubed
6 red chilies
2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin
6 cloves garlic
salt to taste
1 tsp ground pepper
1 inch piece ginger
4 cloves
2 inch piece cinnamon
seeds from 3 black cardamoms
1/2 tsp instant tamarind (tamcon)

Grind together all the ingredients
(except meat). Add a little water to make a paste.

Mix masala with meat and marinate for two hours.

Fry the meat in a little oil over a low heat for about 20 minutes. Add 1 cup of water and simmer until meat is tender.

Beef Chilly Fry

1 lb. beef cubed (whichever you use for stewing)
2 tsp salt
6 large onions
8 peppercorns
1 inch piece ginger
6 cloves garlic
1 bunch coriander leaves
1 bunch mint leaves
6 green chilies
salt to

1/2 tsp tamarind concentrate
salt and pepper to taste

Boil the meat, peppercorns, one onion and salt for 20 minutes, drain and reserve the water.

Slice the remaining onions and finely chop the ginger, garlic, chilies, coriander and mint. Fry the onions until translucent.

Add the remaining chopped ingredients and meat.

Pour in about 1 cup of the reserved water and simmer until the meat is done.
Add the tamarind and continue cooking, uncovered over a high heat until the
moisture has evaporated.

Pork Balchao

Please see part 1 (fish) for the preparation of the balchao, or buy a commercial
1kg pork, cubed
2 onions, sliced
1 Tsp oil or ghee
8 Tsp prawn balchao
2 Tsp tomato ketchup
vinegar as necessary

Grind the following in a little vinegar: 15 dried red Kashmiri chilies, 1 tsp
cumin seeds, 5 peppercorns, 1 tsp turmeric, 5 cloves, 1 inch piece of cinnamon, 1 inch piece of ginger, 10 cloves garlic.

Rub the pork with salt and set aside. Fry the onions until browned. Add the meat
and brown.

Add the masala, ketchup and balchao and fry for a few minutes. Add 2-3 cups of
water, bring to the boil and simmer until meat is tender. If the liquid dries out add a little vinegar and/or water.