
Another traditional Goan Christmas treat.
1 lb. flour
2 Tsp. ghee
a pinch of salt
For the filling:
1 lb. sugar
1/2 cup water
1 half ripe coconut grated fine
100 g. cashew nuts (chopped very fine)
100 g. raisins
2 Tsp. ghee
6 cardamons (powdered)
oil for frying

Mix flour, salt and ghee well, add just enough water to knead into a small
dough. Keep aside.

Heat sugar and water till a syrup is formed. Add the grated coconut, ghee and nuts. When the mixture has thickened, add raisins and cardamon powder. Remove from fire after the mixture turns quite dry. Cool and keep aside. Divide the dough into small balls, roll out into thin rounds, put a spoonful of the coconut filling on each round, wet the edges, press down to form half-moon shapes. Trim
edges preferably with a cutter and deep fry in hot oil.

In India, a paper back edition of this recipe book is available for about 30
rupees (~ US $ 1).

You can contact the author the following address: Joyce Fernandes D/5 Kundaikar
Nagar, Dada Vaidya Rd., Panjim, Goa. India. 403001

2 thoughts on “Neureos”

  1. Looking for recipe made with raw rice soaked and ground along with grated coconut, and little salt to taste then fried in greased pan like pan-cakes. my mom use to make it which is know as (Koilorios) not to sure of the spelling hope to hear fr you, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Tks

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